Your safety is important to us
A Safe and Pleasant Environment
safety is our number one priority
At VMicrolocs, safety is our number one priority. You can rest assured that we have taken the maximum safety precautions in ensuring a safe and pleasant time during your visit. We are in full compliance with all CDC recommended guidelines and go above and beyond what has been recommended.
Physical Distancing Guidelines
• Each client will be serviced in separate rooms which exceeds the recommended measures to ensure physical distancing of at least six feet between and among workers and customers.
• We stagger appointments to eliminate reception congestion and ensure adequate time for proper cleaning and sanitation between each customer visit.
• We ensure our hair technicians wear masks at all times and protective gloves when necessary.
• Employees are temperature screened at the beginning of their shift and any vendors, contractors, or other workers entering the establishment.
• We contact customers before visits to confirm appointments and ask if they or someone in their household is exhibiting any COVID-19 symptoms. If the customer answers in the affirmative reschedule the appointment.
Cleaning and Disinfecting Protocols
• We perform thorough cleaning in high traffic areas, such as reception areas, and areas of ingress and egress
• Frequently disinfect commonly used surfaces including credit card terminals, counters, reception area seating, door handles, light switches, phones, toilets, and handwashing facilities.
• Encourage the use of credit cards and contactless payment systems. If electronic or card payment is not possible, customers should come with exact cash payment or check.
• Thoroughly clean any product display areas, including all shelving and display cases.
• Workstations are routinely and frequently cleaned, including between each customer appointment. We thoroughly clean and disinfect the station counters, rolling carts, drawers, hand mirrors, hair care and other products, and containers and provide a new smock or cape for each customer.
• Clean and disinfect shears by removing all visible debris, clean with soap and water, and wipe or spray with an EPA-registered disinfectant that demonstrates bactericidal, fungicidal, and virucidal activity and is approved for COVID-19.
• Clean and disinfect all non-electrical tools by removing all visible debris, cleaning with soap and water, drying the tools, and then completely immersing them in an EPA registered disinfectant. Tools should be sprayed or submerged and left to set for the full amount of time required by the disinfectant’s manufacturer. Immersed items, like combs or brushes, should be removed at the end of contact time, rinsed, and dried with a paper towel or clean, freshly laundered towel.
• Clean all electrical tools, such as clippers, by removing all visible debris and disinfecting with an EPA-registered disinfectant spray or wipe that demonstrates bactericidal, fungicidal, and virucidal activity and is approved for COVID-19.
• Clean and disinfect all handles, hoses, spray nozzles, and other equipment before and after use on a customer. Chairs, headrests, shampoo bowls, and other items should also be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized between each use.
• All dirty linens, including towels, smocks, and reusable capes,are placed in a closed container and not used again until properly laundered either by a commercial laundering service or a laundering process which includes immersion in water of at least 160 degrees Fahrenheit for at least 25 minutes. Store all clean linens in a clean, covered place.